You’ll set your contest rules in either the Settings area of Giveaway, or for each individual contest you create. I recommend making a general set of Rules in the Settings area once, then filling in the specific details for each contest when you go to create one. The dates and items for each Giveaway will change, so making sure to fill in the correct information is important to limit any confusion for your customers.
Setting the Rules is an important part of creating your contests. Regulations can vary locally but generally they are the same. If you’re going to give away a very large prize, you may want to consider contacting a lawyer in your area for more guidance. Don’t worry, unless you’re giving away a prize worth thousands of dollars you should be fine with a general Rules guideline.
Typically, these guidelines are acceptable in any state of the United States. Local requirements may differ but this is usually in the case of large prizes or awards where a dispute can be made.
The Rules you set should generally include:
Here’s an example of a set of rules. Yours can be different but this is a general example:
How to participate - To participate, complete the online entry form with your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Address, City, State/Province and Zip/Postal Code before [date contest closes].
Eligibility - You must be 21 years of age or older to win. No purchase necessary. One qualifier per household. You need not be present to win. Void where prohibited. The contest is open to everyone with the exception of employees of [your company name] and representatives.
Taxes and liability - All taxes relative to the prize package are the sole responsibility of the winner. No prize substitutions, assignments or transfers. No cash equivalents. By participating, all entrants acknowledge and agree that they have entered the contest of their own free will, that the full rules and details of the contest have been made available to them in writing and they therefore understand and agree that [your company name], their agents, affiliates, sponsors, representatives or employees have any liability with respect to any damages out of acceptance and use of a prize. If you choose to be notified of future contests and special offers, [your company name] may send you email or postal marketing messages. By entering this promotion, participants agree to be bound by these rules.
Prize Details - Approximate Value of the prizes are [$1000], and will be delivered by [date of prize delivery].
Be sure to keep the Rules you set detailed, so anyone who enters know what to expect. As long as you follow these general guidelines for a prize of a reasonable amount, these should suffice. Remember that contest should be randomly drawn. You can even make the drawing into a video to promote on your Publish blog and social media.
General Overview Of The Giveaway App
The Settings Area Of The Giveaway App