Every time you create a deal or coupon with the Offer App, each one gets its own landing page where connections can sign up to receive them. You can include a link to an Offer landing page in a single or bulk email in just a few steps:
Copy your Offer Landing Page URL
Once you’ve created a coupon or deal you can copy its landing page url. You can find your exact deal or coupon by going to the Offers App, click ‘Deals’ and click the ‘View’ button to the right. When that deal’s landing page comes up you can copy that link and paste it into a convenient place to reference later. Your URL should look something like: http://npihub.net/yourshorturl/CT/singleOffer.php?offerID=001
Option 1) Paste Your URL Directly into the Email’s Message Body
Option 2) Embed Your URL into a Block of Text
The option above may not look the way you’d like it, so there’s another solution below. This is how to embed your Offer in a block of text.
These are the two quickest, and most efficient, ways of including an Offer link in your email messages. Try it out and see what kind of reaction you get next time you send out your next newsletter.
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