1708 38th Avenue West
Spencer, IA 51301
(402) 937-9090
An All Weather Grilling Solution

For those of you that don't know, right now it's an average of 80 degree farenhiet in Florida. 78 in Arizona. and 82 in South Texas. Technically, thats winter for those southern folk.

When we say winter we mean the people in Boston right now getting feet worth of snow. Or Montana where it snows more months than it doesnt. Even in the Midwest where the wind makes even the most hardcare tailgater find a place for warmth. 

This is for those people who could cross county ski to work. Where 40 degrees is considered warm out. The ones who spend just as much time scooping out their patio as they do actually grilling on it. 

With a Chuckwagon Mobile Grilling System everything is always ready to go no matter what! There's no freezing hands attempting to wipe the snow off the top or going through the pain of struggleing to turn the knob on a frozen tank of propane. It's a grill at the push of a button. Literally!

We put our Chuckwagon through the most ruggid conditions, traveling thousands of miles of snow, ice, dust, and heat to insurse the absolute highest quality of product that works everytime anywhere. The alumium top covering the 5 burner, 38 inch stainless steel Summerset grill creates a product that won't rust and last longer than most conventional grills. Even in that blistering cold.

Be Prepared for Anything!

Ever empty a tank of propane in the middle of a juicy steak with no extra fuel in sight? Ever have it happen in the winter? I have! It's worse than you can imagine. For that very reason there is TWO tanks of gas on the ChuckWagon so you never ( well maybe not "never") run out of fuel. just swap the lines and your'e back in action. Everything stays dry and protected under one roof giving you less time out in the cold!

So for you people who are sitting on their back patios in T-shirts and flip flops flipping burgers, you keep doing what you're doing. For the rest of you in the north. Don't worry we have got you covered with a grilling system that is built for any condition.
1708 38th Avenue West
Spencer, IA 51301
(402) 937-9090