1708 H Avenue
Thurston, NE 68062

Blu-Jet Vertical Tillage System – Till, Fertilize, Plant[/caption] The Blu-Jet Vertical Tillage System consists of a Blu-Jet LandTracker 9400, a Blu-Jet Coulter Pro and a rear 3-point implement, usually a SubTiller, planter, or no-till drill, depending on fall or spring operation.

The LandTracker9400 is an implement caddy that can be used year round for a variety of practices, including StripTill, Vertical Tillage, Combination Tillage, and Fertilizer Application. With the superior flexibility of our exclusive LandTracker 9400, producers can find uses for it year-round by simply switching out varying 3-point implements. 
Just as customizable as the LandTracker is the Coulter Pro frame. This versatility allows the operator of a CoulterPro to accomplish similar sizing and tillage operations that the pull type vertical tillage implements do for a fraction of the cost. Multiple spacing options and blade types are available to match soil and residue conditions.
The combination of these implements allow the user to till, fertilize, seed and apply chemicals all in one pass. Using these products reduces field time and money spent in fuel and labor.

1708 H Avenue
Thurston, NE 68062