LOVED this home inspection company. The first house we had inspected looked amazing, with new paint, nice fixtures, good tile and wood floors. However, there were carbon monoxide leaks around the hot water heater and from the furnace. There were cracked roof rafters, an AC system that was so bad the HVAC guy said it would be cheaper to replace than to fix, giant fuse wiring, and even some plumbing leaks. It added up to over $20,000 worth of repairs. Needless to say, we didn't go with that house. They also made a mistake when they quoted us the price, and quoted it lower than it should have been. However, the inspector stuck to the quoted price, even though the inspection took him much longer than predicted. The inspection was so detailed, it gave us confidence when we finally found a house with minimal problems. I recommend them highly for their honesty, thoroughness, and attention to detail.
5 star review of Camelot Home Inspections - Tyler, Texas by K