997 S 50th St
Omaha, NE 68106

Enjoy the weather and relax. That’s what we want you to do. The perfect way to make this happen is by having a patio built to enjoy a day in your back yard, set up the grill and bring out the lawn chairs. You can make the most of you yard by having a beautiful patio space built out of premium materials.

Heartland Gardens of Omaha Brick Patio Construction

Professional Patios, Beautiful Designs

The materials we use are sourced by a variety of suppliers that...

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Stone Concepts, Designs, and Builds

A lot of yard projects involve some kind of hardscaped element. Whether it’s retaining walls, patios or walkways, I always use premium, locally sourced materials that are built to last. We install with the same integrity as the materials we use. All hardscaped projects can look great too. With a variety of stone materials, we can create projects with a variety of sizes,...

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997 S 50th St
Omaha, NE 68106